Dear reader,
you are probably interested in the history, presence and future of the Academy.
No institution is possible without people. It is them who create working conditions and atmosphere. They have visions and plans. They are agents of everyday activities influencing the institution´s operations and success. In case of a harmonious cooperation of all team members towards common goals, the prestige of the institution is growing.
The Academy is led by Director and his closest colleagues. The management team is composed by Director, First Deputy, Economy Deputy, four heads of departments and an administrative assistant.
All four departments are equal; none is the most or the least important. But the Academy would not be a training centre without teachers.
Pedagogy Department is surprisingly small if compared with the number of the participants of various courses in a year. There are 17 teachers, most of them uniformed. The proportion of women and men teachers is about 1:3. 2020 can be considered a year of significant changes, because about one third of the teachers get retired. New teachers are younger and they all are experienced in prison work. Head of Pedagogy Department and his Deputy are assisted by two secretaries. A specialist in education within international cooperation is also a member of the team.
Logistics Department has the largest number of staff; some of them however work on short term contracts. The school and the accommodation facilities maintenance, reconstructions, cleaning, purchases, various services including vehicles – this is just a rough overview of the tasks Logistics Department is responsible for. Most of the employees are women and they all are civilian (not uniformed) staff.
The smallest department is IT. There are only two specialists, but they are very busy with technical support for over 100 computer users in the classrooms and over 50 more in the offices. As there has been a considerable evolution in on-line education due to the Covid pandemic, IT specialists has to be able to effectively face all the new challenges in compliance with the law, regulations and the conditions at the Czech prison facilities.
Apart from the departments, Cabinet of Documentation and History with three civilian employees working in a detached unit in Prague should not be left out.
None of the previous mentioned teams could work without economists who observe the budget and make the Academy staff´s salaries. Economy Department is composed by four women civil employees. One of them is also responsible for the library.
If you have read all the parts of our series carefully, you remember that the Academy provides education and training for about 3 500 people a year. Would you tell that it is possible with only 52 Academy staff members?