Our series is dedicated to the anniversary the Czech Prison Service Academy celebrates in August 2020. Part I introduced the school building. Part II is going to show you round the school premises.
The campus is rather small. A twenty years old hedge fence frames the school and rails the grounds off the busy cycle-way.
When you come from the town centre and go round the Academy area, the main entrance is on your left. At the moment (May 2020), the entrance is not very attractive, despite of gold forsythia flowers waving at the by-passers. In the future, the entrance will get a new shape.
Let´s get further. We are passing a little garden house occupied during short breaks or used for special training.
A few more steps we will find ourselves in a different world. The rear part of the building is adjoining a gorgeous lake Horka. People enjoy summer time here. Our students are shielded from the noise by full-grown trees. I will reveal a secret to you. In summer, nice mushrooms can be found under the trees.
Once we pass the lake we get to the rear entrance. You may see our students drilling behind the fence. In the future, a school canteen will be build there.
You can take the way back to the town centre or you can get attracted by the peaceful surroundings. We will tell you more about the countryside next time.