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Prague, 17 September (VS ČR) - Last week, four prison directors from Saxony, Germany, visited the Czech Republic, including four prisons. The visit was part of the Czech-Saxon Cross-border Cooperation Project.

This visit followed on from the business trip that four Czech prison directors had in late June 2021. The hospitation was kicked off by the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Jeroným Tejc, and the Deputy Director-General of the Czech Prison Service, Mr. Roman Záhorský. Subsequently, the Czech prison specialists gave a number of presentations on different topics, so that their Saxon counterparts could get a better grasp of the Czech prison system. The theoretical knowledge was later completed by tours of the respective partner prisons. The Czech and Saxon directors also discussed the topics of the subsequent workshops for their staff members.  

The directors agreed that the professional treatment of prisoners should be one of the main topics included within mutual workshops. The Saxon colleagues were impressed by the Czech Prison Service's "Specialized Zones", especially the so-called "Drug-free Zone". They were also interested in prison security where Czech and Saxon's approaches differ a lot.  

The aim of the Czech-Saxon Cross-border Project is to share experience and best practices between criminal justice stakeholders within the Czech-Saxon region. The newly acquired contacts and knowledge should lead to long-term cooperation between the project partners. The project is financed from European funds.
