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The Prison Service of the Czech Republic is an armed law enforcement state agency administering the penitentiary system in the Czech Republic – sentence of imprisonment, pre-trial detention and forensic (protective) detention. 

The Czech Prison Service not only ensures the above-mentioned but also carries out many supporting services connected to the correctional system (to see them, click here).

The Czech Prison Service is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. Its central-level administrative body is the Directorate General (Headquarters). It operates 35 penal institutions (10 remand prisons and 25 prisons) and 2 educational facilities: The Academy of the Czech Prison Service (for the training of staff members) and The Czech Prison Service Vocational School (for prisoners). 

Two Forensic Detention Facilities (FDF) are part of two individual prisons. 

There are also two prison hospitals providing medical services to prisoners - located within the Brno Remand Prison and Forensic Detention Facility and Praha-Pankrác Remand Prison. 

There are more than 11 000 members of our staff. More than a half consists of "uniformed" staff (further divided into Prison Guard and Judicial Guard branches) and "civilian" staff (medicians, psychologists, social workers, teachers, educators, administration, logistics etc.) 

The supervision of lawful operation is exercised by the Prosecutors' Office.